Saturday, February 02, 2008

My Dale Jr. Opinion

I am paying close attention to Junior these days. Many of you out there in the world are doing the same. We all have our own opinions about him and how things are going to go for him now that he drives for a team that doesn't bear his last name. It was stunning news to some, but others, like myself were not surprise to hear that Dale Jr. would no longer drive for Dale Earnhardt Inc.

I have always kept up with Dale Jr. and his career. Way back in the 90's we both ran NASCAR late models but hardly ever raced at the same tracks. He stayed pretty much at Myrtle Beach Speedway. I raced mainly at Hickory Speedway and Tri-County Speedway with his brother and sister. Back then I wanted to keep up with what he was up to because we all had ambitions of ending up at the top level of NASCAR. Now I keep up with Junior because I like the way he drives and I like the way he handles all of the pressure that comes his way. He has a good attitude and people around him seem to have a lot of respect for him. For many years I have wanted Dale Jr. and the guys that I raced with to "make it." Well, needless to say, he has made it!

I saw a story a few weeks ago that said something like, "Can Junior make it at the varsity level." That might not be the exact quote but it is close. And I did not read the complete article because the title basically hit a bad nerve with me. He has NASCAR Busch Series Championships and NASCAR Nextel Cup wins at several types of tracks. He has handled the massive crowds and the neverending media requests with open and honest answers. I like to hear his opinions and perspectives on things. Plus, he brings a breath of fresh air to what can sometimes be an all too politically correct platform. He does this without offending sponsors or competitors.

There have been many opinions about his move to Hendrick Motorsports. I have heard the usual, "If he can't get it done at Hendrick, he can't get it done." He will get it done. Mr. Hendrick has proven that he creates winners. He hires winners and makes them champions. Dale Junior will achieve the same when all of the tools are used to there potential. I have even heard Dale Jr. himself say that one difference now is that he can be "fired." You don't believe that do you? He is a winner and a huge marketable personality.

In my opinion, from a family side of the issue, I believe Dale Jr. will be more relaxed than ever. There will always be pressure on the guys at the top, but that pressure does not come close to the pressure "family business" relationships can create. I don't mean that he will have ill will toward his old company nor will they toward him. It will release pressure from both sides. In my own experiences I drove for a family owned team in 1999 and 2000 before moving to ML Motorsports in 2001. To this day, going to drive for ML Motorsports was a great experience for me personally. I had some things to prove to myself and I had relationships that I wanted to form without too much family influence or opinion. I still relied on my family for a lot things but without the pressures of actually working for my own family. Those few years of not working for them actually opened up a lot of lines of communication that we did not have before. I came full circle as I was the spotter for my dad for the past two years and now work at his office full time once again. We have a stronger relationship than ever. Family is always family! My situation was on a much smaller scale but I think that is why I respect so many things about Dale Earnhardt Jr.

This is what I think: Dale Jr. did what he had to for his own personal reasons. He doesn't have to tell any of us what those reasons are. The best thing about him is he knows how bad he wants to win the NASCAR Sprint Cup and he has now put himself in a better position to do just that. These guys take huge risks to try to be the best and no matter what his last name he wants it as bad if not worse than any other driver out there.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're right on track about Jr. Last night's Bud Shootout proved it! He's an exciting driver to watch and this season is off to a great start with his first win. Besides being a great driver, he seems to be a genuine likeable guy.